Terry Wittenauer

Terry Wittenauer, ArtistI have always been inspired by art and so intrigued by those who are naturally talented.  The urge to draw, paint and create using many different mediums is something that I have always loved to do, but I always seem to return to watercolor as my favorite medium.


Art was my major in high school, but I didn’t pursue an art education beyond that.  As with so many other members of MVWS, my art was put aside as I was raising my children and now that they are grown, I have found some time to give to this hobby once again.  It’s like I have met up with an old friend! I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with so many wonderful artists who are members of MVWS and hopeful that I will continue to learn and grow by soaking in everything that they have to offer.




Enchanted Doorway

Dandelion Burst
